Partnering to Power New York's
Clean Energy Future

Liberty Link is our proposed transmission solution to help New York harness offshore wind and meet its clean energy goals.

Our Project

A proposal to bring wind power from the Atlantic Ocean to New York City

Liberty Link will leverage state-of-the-art technology to collect and integrate offshore wind energy into New York City’s electric grid – delivering enough clean, renewable energy to power over 5 million homes. This project is one of several being considered by the state to achieve New York’s ambitious clean energy goals.

Our Approach

Authentic engagement with government and stakeholders

While helping to meet New York’s energy goals, we prioritize the voices of local and affected communities, working closely with government agencies, environmental and environmental justice organizations, labor and business groups, and other local stakeholders in a transparent and inclusive process.

Our Capabilities

The expertise, resources, and financial strength to deliver

Liberty Link brings together a world-class team with deep expertise in the electric transmission industry. Our team members have successfully designed and implemented projects of comparable scale and scope in New York and beyond. Backed by one of the world’s largest and strongest financial institutions, we stand ready to deliver for New York.

Our Track Record

Positive outcomes for customers, communities, and the environment

With a proven track record of completing innovative, large-scale transmission projects that integrate cleaner energy into our nation’s electric grids. Along the way, our team has consistently met or exceeded the expectations of customers while ensuring tangible benefits for local stakeholders and their communities.

Our Commitment to New York

Viridon’s commitment goes beyond project delivery. We also plan to invest in local offices, workforce development, and community priorities. 

The New York City Offshore Wind Public Policy Transmission Solicitation (NYC PPTN)


The The New York Public Service Commission issued an Order on June 22, 2023, identifying a Public Policy Requirement for a transmission facility to help New York meet its goal of least 9,000 MW offshore wind by 2035.


Accommodate at least 4,770 MW of offshore wind generation into New York City, provide a detailed plan for completing permitting and construction, and demonstrate an in-service date no later than January 1, 2033.


The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), responsible for operating the state’s power grid, issued the NYC PPTN in response to the New York Public Service Commission’s Order and will evaluate responses and select the most cost effective or efficient solution.

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515 North State Street – Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60654

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515 North State Street – Suite 1150, Chicago, IL 60654

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